Dit jaar blijft de coronapandemie de wereld in haar greep houden: door de huidige ontwikkelingen rond de verspreiding van het COVID-19 coronavirus is Messe Friedrichshafen gedwongen een serieuze beslissing te nemen. De internationale amateurradiotentoonstelling Ham Radio zal niet plaatsvinden in de geplande periode van 25-27 juni 2021, maar wel op 24-26 juni 2022.
“It was not an easy decision for us; however, an exhibition like Ham Radio depends on a high level of international participation. Due to the current uncertainties in the travel sector, it is simply not feasible to hold it this year,” explained Klaus Wellmann, CEO of Messe Friedrichshafen, sadly. Project Manager Petra Rathgeber also expressed her great disappointment: “It is deeply regrettable that the event cannot take place as planned. We were so looking forward to our get-together with the industry.” Christian NetShelter,
chairman of the German Amateur Radio Club e.V. (DARC), added: “We support the decision of Messe Friedrichshafen to cancel this year’s Ham Radio exhibition at this early date. Naturally, we are very disappointed that our meeting with friends in Friedrichshafen will not take place, after all. However, the online version of Ham Radio that is now planned to take place from June 25 to 27, 2021, is a consolation that we very much look forward to, as it will offer our members of ham-radio friends some interesting
Op dit moment worden alle betrokken partners geinformeerd over het annuleren, de organisatie hoopt van harte dat volgend jaar de beurs wel plaats kan vinden.